Iwona Jarząb

Art Director & Senior Designer

I’m spending countless hours perfecting digital graphics. Armed with a drawing tablet and a never-ending supply of caffeine, I strive to bring your brand to life in a way that will make people say „Wow, you really made that design POP!”. Apart from designing, I try to help and inspire other designers, boosting their creativity to a higher level. My new role as an Art Director is to organize and oversee the work of an Art Team, ensuring that every design meets the highest standards.

I connect the dots in...

browse clients
ad creatives
creative strategy

Most recent projects I worked on:

browse clients

More {about me}:

  • one fun fact about me: I have a Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Accounting, and Insurance but never worked at any place related to this stuff.
  • favorite drink: anything that starts with "cof" and ends with "fee"
  • favorite book: "Arch of Triumph" - E.M. Remarque
  • cats or dogs: how can you even choose?

"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."

Neil de Grasse Tyson